Cultural Activities
since 1998
Collaboration with the "Yehudi-Menuhin-Stiftung Deutschland" (YMSD), working for the "MUS-E project". Within the "MUS-E project", artists were teaching kids at school dance, music, theatre and arts, in the team with the teacher of the class. Member of the artist council of YMSD / Member of the Curriculum Committee of YMSD: verifying the compatibility of school curriculums according to the MUS-E standards / Project management of the PILOT-project "MUS-E Modellschule" (2006-2009)
since 2004
Offering artistic education at different schools of Düsseldorf (Offener Ganztag), Germany
Different projects in context to “Jugend, Kultur und Schule", a cultural education program of the city Düsseldorf, Germany
Conception and organization of creative work camps corresponding the subject ENERGY in the European Capital of Culture "Ruhr 2010" in order of RWE Deutschland AG, one of the largest energy suppliers of Germany. Working with kids from different schools in Essen to the kinetic energy topic: acquirement of a movement chain outdoor
Foundation of KREO GbR in a team with Sabine Brockhaus, trained pedagogue. KREO coordinates and realises artistic education projects with children and the youth. Moreover, KREO organises workshops and advanced education for teachers and care workers.
Projects realised by KREO since 2010:
artistic education project in the order of the Graf-Recke-Stiftung in Düsseldorf, Germany
Projects in context to the federal state NRW program "Kultur und Schule”
„From a stumbling a growing movement chain“ - concept and realization of an artistic education project, promoted by the government of the federal state NRW and the city of Düsseldorf. Within this project, children and also their teachers got the task to construct a ‚movement chain’. Out of various everyday objects, they built a chain in which a single impulse would start ‚moving’ and one object gets in touch with another one – like a domino effect.
„The wonderful world of color", Concept and realization of an artistic education project corresponding the subject “colours" in cooperation with one primary school and three day cares in Düsseldorf, Germany. For that project, the KREO team worked with school kids and kindergartners in a joined group, making them experiment with colours in a ‚laboratory’. That way, the kids learn and experience among others what happens when different colours merge. This project is promoted by the government of the federal state NRW.
„When the centipede was looking for his shoes..." Concept and realization of an artistic education project corresponding the subject „children make books“, called „BuchKinder“. Primary school children write their own little stories amd make linocuts according to these stories and then print everything. In the end, they produce their own books by themselves.
To learn more about the book project, please check out this link:
„BuchKinder - kids make books!" Artistic project to promote linguistic and pictorial talent, performed on two Düsseldorf and two Monheimer primary schools, funded by the NRW state government and the cities of Dusseldorf and Monheim am Rhein